These are so fun to make! You could use nearly any flavoring extract that sounds good! I have done almond, vanilla, butter and lemon! My favorite is the lemon because it reminds me of lemon meringue pie. Sometimes I even add a drop of food coloring to make them extra pretty.
Be careful not to make these on very humid days as they will not set properly.
Do NOT open the oven door to peek on them- at all! It's very important the oven stays closed the entire time or you run the risk of the meringues not drying out. I've learned the hard way- more than once!
Using room temperature eggs is your best bet for forming peaks with the egg whites. I've been impatient and used right-from-the-fridge eggs and it's harder to work with.
If you try this recipe and find that the meringues don't get airy and stay slightly wet- bake them at 200 for longer than stated in the recipe. I've made this so many times that I usually bake them at 250 for the 20 minutes, then 200 for an hour. Then you have to leave them in the oven for several hours to continue drying out. Patience is a virtue with this recipe!
It all sounds like a lot of work- but it's super easy! You just need a good chunk of time when you don't need to use your oven again to let them sit in there!